Hey guys, I'm new in this forum, and I want to ask you something to do for me. Im kinda skilled in After Effects, so I made my own intro, that I like. Its not perfect, the explosion at the end isn't pefrect, but I can live with it. But, there comes something that I don't know how to do, and thats the sound. I found some components (I think the main components) of the sound, but I've never messed around with sound. So I need you to help me with this problem.
There is my Intro:
You can download intro as .aep here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/149098029/Intro.aep
And as .Mov here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/149098029/Intro.mov
The are some sounds that I would like to add to my intro: (They are just example)
http://www.audiomicro.com/02242-cinematic-low-rumble-sound-effects-837 784 - Nice for atmosphere for the whole intro.
http://www.audiomicro.com/big-boom-sound-effects-781239 - When the text falls, it needs some sound to make.
Obviously, for helping me, I will add "Intro Audio Editor: Your Name" In the outro.
As well feel free to edit my Intro when you think you can tweak something out. Maybe mostly the explosion and the fade-out at the end.