i'm trying to loop my composition (72 frames) containing a moving object (a walking chicken, refer to printscreen)
i followed tutorial here http://wikis.evergreen.edu/computing/index.php/Looping_a_Composition_- _After_Effects
In short, i applied Layer > Time > Enable Time Remapping to my newly created Comp 2. Two key frames were created. I moved to the last frame, and then 1 keyframe backwards and created a new keyframe. Then on the very last keyframe i set the time to 0 and then deleted the penultimate frame (which i had just created). And then added Property > LoopOut(Type="Cycle", numKeyframes = 0) to the layer i want to loop.
however, after applying LoopOut expression, i am no longer able to playback - when i pres Play to preview, the chicken stands still (meanwhile time indicator is moving continuously, indicating that playback is in action).
Thinking that i deleted wrong keyframe, i undid all changes and repeated all steps again but this time i deleted the very last frame and left the penultimate frame (and setting time to 0 ). It did not have any effect - chicken does not move, time indicator is moving/looping in the timeline.
Furthermore, after i have clicked on Trim Comp to Work Area i cannot extend the looping composition anymore - i am confined to 70 frames length and therefore cannot follow the last step of the tutorial - "you may extend the looping composition (by clicking and dragging it longer) and it will loop as many times as you want"
thank you in advance
using AE CS6 trial version, windows 7