during my 30 days of AE CS6 trial i managed to render several projects without any issues whatsoever.
Yesterday was the last day of the trial. I wanted to export my last project (durationn ~25 seconds), but when i added project to the render queue ant hit Render button, i got immediate (after 2secs) confirmation that rendering has finished. normally it takes several minutes to render. and when i played "rendered" mpeg file on vlc player, i neither saw nor heard anything. tried render in these formats: avi, f4v, mpeg2
Today, as a surprize, i got one last chance to use AE. i tweaked my project ant tried to render - this time there is absolutely no progress in rendering process - everything stands stll. again, tryng to render f4v, mpeg2, avi, as i did throughout those 29 days without any issue.
is this normal that i am not allowed to render on the last day?
using windoes7 home premium