I'm new to AE CS6, but I have done SOME A/V in Corel Pro for both low and HD high-res, so I'm a newbie, but I am familiar with common Presets for different quality requirements.
The issue is, the rendered AVI (911,280KB !!) shows aliased text - text that fades in using opacity fade in with keyframes. I've tried one HD and one NTSC/DV preset. I've tried adjusting the Advanced render settings.
Please let me know if I should provide system spec, or if the issue is uncommon and needs further detail, i.e. is this a common issue for 1st time users that can be solved by click of a switch...
I haven't installed QuickTime, yet either.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Issue in short form by illustration:
1- showing text/stage with composition settings:
2 - showing the render output settings
3 - Showing AVI video in Windows Media Player at default size, i.e. window has not be adjusted or resized manually.