I have a scene that am working on. It's the interior of an airplane and I need to replace what is currently being seen outside the airplane window. In the scene passengers arms are in constant motion across the window. I am pretty sure I can use a mask and change the shape on frame to frame basis, but I was thinking about rotobrushing since those tools seem to be able to create an outline pretty quick with just minor fixes between the frame. However rotobrushing/rotoscoping seems to be for cutting objects out of the overall image an to be used within another. What I need it to do is to exclude the window so I can put a different background in. I am pretty new AE and rotoscoping in general so I am not sure this is correct way to use these tools. Most/all of the tutorials focus on removing the roto object from the image not excluding/removing it. So is this the correct approach? Or is there a better way. Any suggestions will be much appreciated