Hey All,
I'm pretty new to AE and trying to create an intro to a video. A couple somewhat basic questions I was hoping to get answered.
1. Does anyone know how I can take an graphic, that I've made a mask of and filled completely white, and fill it with a flashing or rotating set of images/colors over a short pierod of time? Basically to get the effect its changing color or patterns with pictures as the fill.
2. I've learned how to create a handwriting effect, but I'm attempting to get it to look more professional and origonal... Basically a chalkboard handwriting effect with a transparent background. The font I've used (homemade apple) is ok, but I'd like to possibly create my own. If I took a picture of the actual writing I on a board, and then imported it into AE, is it possible to somehow cut that handwriting out of the image and do the handwritting effect with that?
Any and all help is appreciated.