I have a large number of what could be termed "heritage" project files originally created and much used in AE v 6.5.
Clients return to re-edit these projects which can span years.
I didn't realise when I upgraded hardware and software after 10 years that in CS6 Adobe would have made absolutely no attempt whatever to consider this continuity aspect.
I discover that apparently CS5 can open these files - and save them in a form that CS6 can use.
I have been trying to find a way of purchasing a copy of AfterEffects CS5 just for this purpose alone - without any luck.
Adobe now apparently don't sell software any longer - they will only "rent" it to you with a subscription to the *@!**<>*ing CLOUD.
Can anyone please help me out here and tell me how I can purchase an actual standalone version of AE CS5 ?
I live in great hope ! - thanks in advance.