AE noob, just started AE class using official Adobe Classroom in a book text, which doesn't address question,
which, at the Kindergarten level is "where do i start?".
I am attempting to do animatd Guitar Chord grids, where the dots indicating finger placement move from one point
to another, with some variations including alternate finger numbers, and varying fingers moving in from off-screen
to the appropriate spot.. I also demonstrate on a piano keyboard, with similar graphics.
So far, i have a project with 7 layers moving "finger dots" onto a grid created in AI. Question ONE is "is that the way to do it?",
i.e., creating objects on separate layers that move according to parameters added later, or is there a completely
different way of doing this?, (other than one layer per finger or set of fingers).. All of this, of course, is synchronized
with the audio track containing the chord being played and simultaneous discussion.
Question TWO is "i have created a "project" in AE, and can import it to Premiere Pro, into what is also called a project -
how can i organize the "project within a project" hierarchy? Do I need to? I anticipate incorporating items that
might occur in a live lesson, such as "...or you could use this finger..." (involving a change in the graphic representation),
and perhaps a return to the origina fingering . Should that "parenthetical expression" be yet another "project within a project"?
or just a continued in-line set of operations?
Maybe i'm making this all more complicated than necessary (but trying to find the "easy" way)....Appreciate your expert
(but not TOO technical) advice...
I have created MOST OF the effect i want using just Premiere Pro, but i THINK i may get better graphics and FX in AE.