Like most people, I'm really excited to see new versions of the software come out, and After Effects CC looks to be a great upgrade. That said, there is a moment of dread when installing the new software, when I realize I have to now migrate all my scripts, presets, and after market plugins into the new software, and is ultimately a block of time I'd love to avoid spending on that.
Apart from going through all the installers, which is not really any more efficient. Has anyone run across a streamlined way to do this? Written a handy script? or unlocked the secrets of the "migration" universe so that we can save some time?
To add... I'd love to see Adobe provide something to help facilitate this. Yes, I realize there could be some compatibliltiy issues that spring up, and they probably don't want to deal with that. At the risk of downplaying that possiblity... it would certainly help!