Hello all,
I'm sending some images from Premiere to After Effects CC. Masking everything as normal and positionoing as normal.
However, in one of the scenes is a video behind a Facebook image. First the video. Then this cuts and the Facebook image appears. The video image is lingering on. I've checked and it shouldn't be. I disabled all the layers so all were not visible. But the video image is still there. This has now happened on a new composition so must be a bug. Has anyone had anything similar?
Here is an image. The layer that is showing (within the thought bubble) shouldn't be there. It's called 'Video of woman'. I've dragged the layer back to the extreme so you can see that it shouldn't be there.
When I disable the Base Layer (MVI0104.mov) it removes the video layer.
Any ideas?
I'm on 10.8.4
Edit. When you click on 3D Layer on the first layer (nothing to do with the video) it solves the issue. But this is a temporary fix.