Someone didn't think this through, at all.
New Project, New comp.
Turn on Snapping... Seems logical enough. RIght? You'd think it would be like part of the interface, yes?
Place down a couple of guidelines to indicate where you're going to want to snap to.
Start with the pen tool anywhere NOT on a guideline. Why... because when you go near a guideline the pen tool turns into a double direction arrow to move the guideline, there's noway to drop a vertex of your line drawing on a Guideline.
That's probably the most egregious error of judgement when it comes to snapping... but it continues:
Snapping exists, but only in a VERY limited form.
I think of snapping as being able to snap:
1. Any vertex to Any other vertex,
2. A vertext to any object node, spline, bounding box or other element of any other object, even of its self.
3. A node of any object to any other node, spline, bounding box, vertex or any other defined element of any other object.
4. Alll of the above to guidelines and guideline intersections.
4.(a) Guidelines to absolutely any component of any kind of object.
But I can't get ANY of these things to work in AE CC.
It seems, to me, that snapping in AE CC is limited to the Anchor Point. Is this right?
UPDATE: It appears snapping vertices to Guidelines IS supported, but NONE of the rest of what I've described above.
UDDATE 2: Snapping vertices is to Guidelines is NOT consistent. Draw a Rectangle on a Shape Layer whilst holding down ALT/OPTION so that it's editable at the vertex level (still the most amazingly obscure thing in AE) and its vertices DO NOT snap to guidelines.... or anything else.
WHY would you include snapping only for anchor points to elements and require guidlines for any kind of vertex snapping... but NOT have it be consistent, and even worse, not have the ability to snap a guideline to ANYTHING?
Is this bizarro world? Does nothing ever happen at exact locations in AE? IS it all supposed to be organic, and inconsistent, all the time?