Hi there AE experts
I run Adobe CC products on a PC i7 920 @2.67GHZ, 12GB ram.
I mainly use After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop & Ilustrator.
I received very high recomendations about the K600, even though it's not on the official list of recomended cards by Adobe.
I don't really have much knowledge in this field, so I'd like to ask your more proffesional opinions about this matter.
Would you recomend the Quadro K600?
Or do you suggest I should get the GTX 650 ti, or any other card in that same price range?
And one final question - I currently have Nvidia GTS250.. This might be a really dumb question, but could someone please confirm that one of those two cards (K600 or GTX560) are worth the upgrade and that I will feel a serious difference in speed?
Many thanks,