Hi everyone,
not sure this is the right location of this post here but I´m kinda stuck..so any help appreciated! Also, I´m running on german, so I´ll translate as approximately as possible..
i´m rendering a large comp. HD 1920 x 1080. Square Px. 25 fps. Duration 6 min.
All vectoranimation. Lots of separate layers, nested subcomps, all vector. Lots of xpressions, quite the bit of keyframes, effects, whatnot. But not toooooo loaded.
(Had "worse" projects.) Tried to keep it slender as possible.
When finally rendering, my render always crashes in the last third of the animation, always between the 0:03:20:00 and 0:03:55:00 mark.
Error message reads (in german):
"After Effects Fehler: Ungültige Bildpuffergrösse (35975 x 20264). (37 § 102)"
(approx. translation: "After Effects Error: Invalid Buffersize (35975 x 20264). (37 § 102)"
My soft- and hardware specs are:
Version of AE: CS6 Version
Operating System: Mac / OS X 10.8.4
All updates installed.
2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
1600 MHz DDR 3
Nvidia Geforce 6T 640M 512 MB
1 TB SATA plus one external drive
Current Quicktime installed: 10.2
No third party HW.
Multiple Frames Multiprocessing on or off makes no difference. same crash.
Other Apps RAM set to: 2 GB.
What I´ve tried so far: as the render seems to always crash around the same mark, I tried breaking the Comp down to segments: no avail.
I´ve tried re-saving the whole project to a different path/location: no avail.
I´ve tried to inspect the contained vectoranimations for error sources, trying to further decrease complexity: no avail.
Lastly I´ve tried rendering on two other computers (approx. same specs, apart from 16 GB RAM): no avail.
Always the same error.
So. I´m stuck. Any ideas? Workarounds? I need this thingy baaadly to render soon..
Any ideas would be immensly appreciated! Cheers Community!
Regards, Dondonna//