Hi, i have been recently having some trouble due to my family complaning that i am "ruining" my computer and it makes everything else "hotter" and since "i dont know anything" i can not tell them other wise. The reason they are complainIng is because i keep my computer on sometime for up to 3 days due to rendering. This is expected since the composition in after effects cs6 at the time had a lot of 3d aniamtions, motion tracking, ext. i would really appreciate if someone could give some reasons on why it is ok for a computer to stay on for a couple days. Thanks for all your help :)
Some Computer specs for referance
processor AMD ft(tm) 6120 six core 3.50 GHz
10 gb ram
All drivers up todate
All programs closed when rendering and sufficent amount of ram/proccesor power allowed to after effects
After effects cs6 updated to latest update
Dont know my video card srry. Just assume its a ok one
When its rendering if i put my hand on my computer it is barely "warm" -_-
Good ventalation were my computer is. Right next to a open window.
If you dont understand what im asking basiclly to some it up.
Is it ok to leave your computer on for up to 3 days and why.. If u have any time of proffesional backround in tech,computers,editing ext please say you do!
Sorry if this is a bother but my family gave me no choice.. They woudnt leave me alone unless i could prove this point.