OK, one problem solved, on to the next problem — make that the next two problems! I have finally gotten my orbiting text (live text with 3D Rotate Around Circle Animation Preset) to go behind the planet (photo with CC Sphere effect).
1. Now, i want to fly around those two interacting 3D objects with a camera. That works just fine with the text, but the planet appears to flatten out to a circular disc rather than a sphere. (See attached screen shot.) I could animate the planet seperately on the poistion time line, but i'd really like to know how to make this work, if possible.
2. I set up an environment layer that the front side is reflecting correctly, but why are the back and sides of the text reflecting the planet?
After Effects CS6, iMac, OSX7.4.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
--Carol Gunn
Gunn Graphics