Hey guys,
First my specs, just in case:
MAC OSX 10.6.6
I'm having the strangest issues with adobe illustrator layers in my timeline... they keep disappearing at random moments during playback. Somtimes its during RAM preview, somtimes its when I'm scrubbing the timeline, but never at the same point and it doesn't seem to be consistant for which layers dissapear or appear. To be clear, the layers themselves are not disappearing in the timeline, but in my active view/camera.
There are 13 illustrator layers, all of them are 3D Layers. I have, at various points, been able to see all of my layers when they should appear on screen, so Its not an issue of a layer getting in the way of my camera and obscuring anything (i don't think). It's not an opacity issue... It seems to be something with my illustrator files and CS5. I've even tried moving the files over to a different machine, and I've tried opening up the project on a Windows box, but the problem persists. I'm truly puzzled.
Its not the biggest issue at the moment, as long as I can get a clean playback in AE for my client this evening, but I'm scared to continue working only to find that I can't render out any of my final project to broadcast.
Anyone have any clues? I'll post updates as needed.
Thanks in advance,