Hi Everyone,
I have a problem I really hope someone can help me fix. I have been shooting some footage on a green screen and using AE to key it. I am still fairly new to green screen shooting, however, I've never had this problem before and trying to understand what is going on.
Part of the talent's face is slightly caved in after I apply a background. When I remove the background, it looks normal, however, I cannot really tell. It looks like there was some spillage or something on the talent's face and it is being keyed out. I checked this on location and put up a backlight to further separate the talent from the background. And this is not happening on all of my shots, just a select few.
I also have this halo effect going of after I key shots that has been proving difficult to minimize. I working with the edges, I'm just not liking the results.
Here are the pics below. If I need to upload the video, just let me know. Thx!