hey everyone
I use the vector paint plugin in AECS3 to create hand-drawn style line art animations.
I use vector paint applied to a solid together with my wacom cintiq to draw lines freehand. sometimes I use the 'animate strokes' setting within vector paint to make it look like the strokes are being drawn on.
there are some downsides to this plugin over the standard AE paint engine (principally that I cannot edit individual strokes, easily retime my strokes, or apply masks to my paint layer without precomping), but vector paint wins for me for 2 critical reasons:
1. I can paint directly in the comp window, meaning I can easily trace directly over another layer in my comp; and
2. Vector Paint has a built in wiggle engine which enables me to wiggle my paint strokes - this makes the images I draw feel dynamic and alive. it suits the simple hand drawn style of the animation.
as anyone who reads this forum will be aware, vector paint has been removed from CS5. I am needing to upgrade my creative suite but I need to be able to continue making this look for my clients.
my question to you all is how can I continue creating animations in this style with CS5?
Any feedback would be *most* appreciated!
here are some examples of the kind of animation I am refferring to -some of these are WIPs so appear quite rough!