I'm working in CS6 v11.0.2. Mac Pro, OSX 10.8.4
I have a rather long time lapse sequence for which I made a proxy of the original raw sequence. Fine, I can scrub and marked certain locations of the footage as needed. RAM previews were rendered just fine. However when I rendered out to 422 HQ, everything was off... As well as my keframed change of Position (a tilt from top to bottom) Files were captured on a MK2
As I toggle the Proxy off, the frame changes, but Playhead stays in the same position. I made sure the footage was intrepted at 23.976 as is the Comp. It's almost as if there was a speed change. Somehow things are out of alignment!
I appreciate the help!
P.S. Somehow I'm not able to render only my Work Area, the entire comp renders at 422HQ (13 hours) MP turned on...