I want to play a full 15sec composition that is in a 3sec composition duplicated multiple times.
In Comp1 : 15sec are BLOCK 3sec duplicated 5 times (fozen 2 times at 1st frame)
in every BLOCK 3sec is a STAR 15sec composition.
When I play Comp1, the STAR composition stops after 3 seconds (when the BLOCK stops too).
I want the STAR composition to play full 15second. Meaning STARs curentFrame must be = Comp1 currentFrame regardless of which BLOCK 3sec is playing.
I attached an example. (.aep CS6): www.razor3ds.com/ftp/test.aep
Here is the video: http://youtu.be/MWBJLf-nVJQ
Note that this is a simplified version of whan I am currently working on, so STAR 15sec must stay within BLOCK 3sec.
(BLOCK is a mobile phone and STAR is the phones screen)
I am sure the solution is easy. Just an expresion to STAR 15sec to play in paralel with Comp1 or something. But I can't find anything and don't really know what keywords to search to be honest.