I developped a Script for After Effects, and sometimes I need to show a window or a palette, but when this window is showed more than once, it can't be closed again (the close button, the one with the cross on the title bar) does nothing, whether it's a palette or a window.
Here's my sample code :
creating the palette :
var mesurefenetre = new Window ("palette", "test",undefined, {resizeable:true});
var resultattexte = mesurefenetre.add("statictext",undefined,"text added");
showing the palette is done with a button in my main panel :
var bouton = fenetre.add("button",undefined,"mesure");
bouton.onClick = function () { mesurefenetre.show(); };
But with this code, when the window is shown once, then closed, then shown again, it then can't be closed...
So I tried to reimplement onClose on the window :
mesurefenetre.onClose = function () { mesurefenetre.close(); }; //does nothing
mesurefenetre.onClose = function () { mesurefenetre.hide(); }; //does nothing
So my current workaround is to use the button in my main panel to check if the window is visible and hide it...
bouton.onClick = function () { if (mesurefenetre .visible) mesurefenetre .hide(); else mesurefenetre .show(); }; //don't like this behavior, really not user friendly
This example is with a palette, but it does not work with a window too.
This seems to be a bug from After Effects, it worked well with CS4~CS6, (used this in Duik (http://ik.duduf.com) for a long time)
Any idea what I can do ?