I'm creating shapes that morph together, so they need to be unconstrained. E.g a regular rectangle needs to then move into a loud speaker shape.
I did read some articles on regular shape paths and bevel paths (I believe), one is where you can take a single point (any point) and adjust that point only to any position, creating a distorted shape... and one where dragging a point will just scale the object in the direction you drag on the x or y axis (how shape layers are by default in AE).
I would like to create a path I can adjust at the corners within AE, rather than having to create in Illustrator and take across. Is this possible?
At the moment I had to create a shape in Illustrator, import it and select 'create shapes from vector layer'. This gave me the flexibility I wanted from the original shape layer in AE.
Am I just missing an obvious trick here? I tried double clicking my path to get the dotted lines, but then couldn't seem to move any of the points any differently...
Thanks for any help, hope this makes sense!