I am getting this error code ( http://prntscr.com/2qbcro ) when i open a project i've been working on recently. When i press ok, everything that was in the project dissapears. I've tryed to open other projects with 3D camera tracker, and they works fine. I've also been trying to re-install after effects, but with no luck...
I haven't been installing any new third party plugins lately.
I tryed to import the actual AE file. It gives me the same error, but it is not starting up a new project, all the files that i've been using in the project is there in the project panel. But none of my compositions is open. When im trying to open them by double clicking on it, it comes up with a new error saying "After effects error: layer does not have a source (26 :: 335)" ( http://prntscr.com/2qdscz ) (Only some of the compositions is giving me this message, all the compositions where i've been using 3D camera tracker in it, is giving me the message) I'm trying to delete all the compositions that is giving me this error message, but when i've deleted some of them, and i'm trying to save the new project, my after effects crashes, and some new weird error messages is popping up, like: http://prntscr.com/2qdtsu& http://prntscr.com/2qdu67. After these messages it automaticly quits out of after effects.
If you could help me out, i would be soo damn happy!