I cannot open QuickTime in AE CS5.
When I open AE the following message popup : QuickTime is not installed on this system, some components will not work correctly.
From one month, I try everything recommended by Adobe regarding this bug...it seems to be. The opening of Adobe QT32 Server.exe before opening AE,works 3 times and permits me to follow After Effects Apprentice 1 and 2. But now it doesn't work anymore ans I cannot begin Apprentice 3.
I suppose I am not the first one to have this prob. It is why I am addressing my request to you.
What can I do?
I searched for a converter .mov to .avi but I didn't succeed. The same problem persist in the.avi converted files. AE is unable to recognise the format again. I am a beginner and I am a little bit confuse with all the codecs.
I work with Production Suite CS5, on Windows 7, 64 bits Nvedia GeForce GTX 285. I am good in Photoshop and I understand pretty well AE.
I'm open to any solution that works and won't cost me a new computer, a new software or new lessons' fees.
Can I convert your .mov file? If yes which tool and which format should I use? If not is it possible to get compatible .mov files?
Thanks a lot,
Lucie Marchand