i am trying to make a simple straight line above some text in after effects cs5 that lines up with the beginning and end of the text. Not touching or anything. Nothing special. then a line perpendicular to it of a different stroke size.
Also i want it to draw or fill in.
first of all, if i dont get the line length perfect the first time, and i try to adjust the length, then the stroke width changes, also the scale.
this is maddening because if i am making other pieces that i will animate together, i want them to be the same. and every time i try to adjust the line length, it changes everything...
or do i just make all lines and type graphics in illustrator or photoshop and import them...and make a mask. I almost think that all those extra steps might be easier...(sarcasm)
any tips on this as this super basic task is turning into a headache?
thx in advance.