Hello, I have 2 questions. The first one is trying to use multiple camera's in one composite. I don't know if it is possible. My goal is to try and switch on and off from 1 camera to the other, I want to get different camera angles. I've heard of "point in" and "point out" on a google search, but I didn't really know what they meant by that.
The second question, I saw an effect on TV. The effect was showing the point of view of someone's eyes just opening. It was as if you were to close your eyes, and than open and blink a couple of times slowly. Like you were getting surgery and you were to open your eyes and look up for the first time. They showed the persons eyelids opening and closing from the inside of the person. It was a really cool effect that I want to use in my school project, but I dont know if it was using After Effects.
Any help?
Thank you.