Hi there: 1) what does this do if I did and 2) the reason I am even asking is because I am assuming it has something to do with de-linking the dynamic link and allowing the file to render to a separate folder as in my case, an AVI.
After which, I will then be able to load it back into the Premiere project.
Set-up: I am working on a Premiere project, a video which has a section that is Adobe dynamic linked to after effects. I will presume you know what this entails.
Anyway, I've had editing problems with the dynamic link feature insofar, whenever I touch the dynamic link portion, everything freezes. Even after everything is rendered.
Hence, I am wanting to render the after effects portion as if I never dynamic linked and ouput it into a separate folder where I can just upload it back into my project.
This would allow me to delete and get rid of the dynamic linked area, yet retain the actual effects created in after effects.
How can I go about doing this?
Right now. I am staring at my Render queue and looking at the "output to" area: it says, "nameofmyproject" Linked Comp08.avi.
I just want it to say: nameofmyproject.avi, then allow me to save it to my desktop.
Please advise.