Hi there,
Im working in after effects cs6 at a little movie. Im making cars that move and im trying their shadows to move seperately.
thes cars are all animated in their own composition and eventually added to a final composition where you see alot of cars on a highway.
here's my question:
each seperate car has its own shadowlayer which i imported from a seperate psd file.
I multiply these shadow layers by using the ctrl button on my mac and choosing blending mode and then choosing multiply.
this works fine most of the time when i have a look at the final comp (where all these cars come together) but sometimes it doesnt and the shadow remains a standard solid color. I compared the comps that work with the ones that don't and I really dont see any differences at all.
It does however work when I add the shadow layer in the final comp.
I tried saving first...or restarting. Might this be a bug maybe?
In the comp
in the final comp (not working)
In the car comp
In the final comp (this one works fine)