Good morning,
Today I rendered my first project in AE as part of the process of testing my entire workflow prior to proceeding further.
I do have one question about the first part of the render. (There were a few substantial glitches with the QT end result that I will try to troubleshoot on my own first, but they don't seem impossible to resolve, which is a good sign.)
I have an aging MacPro with an ATI 2600 graphics card, which does not support CUDA.
As I watched my comp render, everything seemed to render fine. There were no skips or hiccups and it rendered at an acceptable rate of speed, nice and steady.
I did notice however that my RAM usage levels displayed at the bottom of my Render panel were generally reading about 70-75%, which seems high.
I have 18 gigs of RAM and my comp does seem to have render intensive aspects; for example, it contains two HD 1080 full size videos that I am combining by using an overlay blend mode and I am attempting to render this in a QT container with a ProRes 444 codec to preserve any alpha channel information.
Because I don't have a CUDA system, I would expect my RAM usage to be elevated, and I think I should be thankful that RAM usage did not go above 80% and that there were no freezeups during the render.
But given these few facts, does 75% usage of 18 gigs of RAM during a somewhat intensive HD render of a comp with 9 layers seem within the ballpark of what is to be expected, given that I have an older MacPro that is not CUDA enabled?
Thanks for sharing your views,