I am working in PPro in a 720p SEQ. The footage however is 1080p. We shot this from a car moving at about 30mph and it was handheld out of the window so the footage is shaky at some points. In my SEQ some of the shots were reframed using size in the FX tab of the source monitor. All of the clips are centered.
when i go to AE and stablize a clip it is coming into AE and is stabling at 720p. I believe this to be normal behavior but i would like to negate that. When i come back to the SEQ in PPro with the stablized clip i can not increase the size to get rid of the black areas. Ae, because it is dealing with the SEQ settings sent to it from PPro does not recognize that i have 30% more clip to resize with so it will not allow me to use this extra space in the Ae comp.
There would be a lot of trial and error if i export the clip from PPro stabilize and relize that the shake is too great or that theres a better clip. So is there a way of stablizing a clip shipped from PPro to Ae and comeback with the extra clip space or ship to Ae and have AE recognize the extra space i have?
I have considered copy/paste to a 1080p SEQ > ship to AE and once it gets back to PPro, copy/paste agian to a new 720p SEQ. Not sure if thats my only route or if it will work without image quality loss.