Multiplaning without affecting scale due to the Z axis?
I'm currently working on an animated film which makes extensive use of the puppet tool and, like most animated films, the surrounding world of the film makes use of perspective and perceived...
View Articlehow can i make this type of HD 1008 Logo Introduction
I want to know how can i develop this type of movies
View ArticleBudget €2300,- Need advice with laptop hardware for AE, Premiere Pro CC/CS6
Hi Folks, These are some specific questons so if one of you have purchased or upgraded their laptop recently could know some of these things. Otherwise, any informed idea is really appriciated. I'm...
View ArticleGrey bars
I have created a video using AE on Win 7, CS5 with a resolution of 1280 x 720 but the finished results ( played in WMP ) have 2 ugly grey bars: see attached. Why is that ? Regards, TL.
View Articletiny mov import from PS kills AE
Not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong. I'm making tiny animations in Photoshop, (72dpi greyscale 10cm x 10cm, approx 2 seconds length, filesize around 22k). I then export from...
View ArticleHow do I crop to 16:9?
I have been shooting timelapse on a Canon 5DM2 and G11 and processing in After Effects 5.5. Their aspect ration is 4:3 (I think) but I'd prefer 16:9. I would like to cut the top and bottom of the...
View ArticleInstalling After Effects 7.0 on OSX 10.7.5
Hi, I've been trying to install my old copy of AE on my new iMac 3.4GHz i7, 20GB RAM with OSX 10.7.5, but I keep getting an error message stating that the launcher program can't open because PowerPC is...
View ArticleRe apply same distortion to different layer in CS6?
Hello, In Photoshop cs6, you can make a Liquify distortion to a layer, then if you want, you can select a different layer, and go to Filter and re apply the last used filter (the Liquify you just did...
View ArticleAfter Effects is Really Slow! Please Help!
When ever I am scrubbing across my video, it lags a lot! Also when I render it is about 1 frame per minute while doing ram preview! I enabled Multi-frame rendering as well. Please help, Here are my...
View ArticleWill After effects cs6 work with my GTX 680?
Hello, I have a GTX 680, but After Effects doen´t see it. I can´t use the 1500+CUDAS to render!I saw that the Gtx 570 works, so I think that the GTX 680 would work too! Is there anything that I could...
View ArticleExternal monitor through HDMI on laptop with 310m graphics card
Hello, Please could you help me. I have CS6 Production Premiere on my Toshiba 17" laptop running Windows 7. I am trying to get the time line monitor to display on an HD TV using the HDMI port. It's a...
View ArticleElement 3D vs. Cinema 4d Lite
With the eventual release of After Effects CS6.5 or CS7 to include integration with Cinema 4d Lite, please discuss the advantages to using the Element 3D plugin. With this upgrade in 3D, is the Element...
View ArticleHelp with colourspace workflow issues? log 2 linear and back again
Hi, Can anyone help.I'm about to start a VFX project using 'log' camera files (MXF) which I will composite and export in 'log'I know I can do this with a convert log2linear Adjustment layer but I kind...
View ArticleNeed help with AE crashes when work and render in it.
Hi. Until 1 week ago everything with my renders were fine. I was able to render any complicity project even with 8 Gb of RAM. now i cant render or work with any project. It simple after 1-2 mins eats...
View ArticleWhat Layer Technique for VFX?
I have made a collection of resources (links) for the study of ILM visual effects (digital).Sorry if the subject matter is a little specific: You may...
View ArticleCan Not Invert Alpha on Solid - No Track Mat Option
I copy / pasted track point to a text object. Then created a black solid. I used a pen tool to create the matte and animated it. This is when i realized that the trkmat column was not available so that...
View ArticleCurrent time indicator won't move to end of comp in After Effects CS6
The current time indicator won't move to end of comp in AE CS6. I setup a new comp at 10 seconds. When I drag the current time indicator OR hit the End key to bring the current time indicator to the...
View ArticleRender 3x slower than RAM preview ?
I have a Comp, which admittidely is a render nightmare, with 64 instances of a the same video each 1 frame ahead of the next. So it's very RAM hungry and something of a balancing act between the number...
View Article3d camera tracker applying key frames to camera and not null object, help!
This is rather urgent, I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around...
View ArticleUsing the loopOut() expression always leaves the last frame blank, no matter...
The problem: I've enabled Time Remapping on a composition and am using the loopOut() expression to repeat a 16 second animation until the end of the video. When I apply the expression, it places a...
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