Hi, I was watching Internet memes 2... A weird video, but I would like to know how they did some of the effects in the video
Video link: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6hG1RxdrOIg&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6h G1RxdrOIg - I copied and pasted this on my iPad so if link doesn't work just search Internet memes 2 on YouTube.
What I would like to know is how they did the shadow effect under the pony as you can see at: 1:19 in the video
Alsomimwould like to know how he did the swooshing effect with the pony at: 1:50
If you could tell me how or show me a tutorial on how to do these things that would be great!
I know it's a weird video but I would love to know how he did this?
Well mostly I want to know how he did the shadow under the pony but also would love to know how he made him move so fast like that.
Hope someone could help a bro out.
Thanks in advance. :)