I can not reliably use QuickTime (Animation or ProRes codec) in my timeline. I also can't export to QuickTime. I believe accepting the latest update to CC or my system software initiated this problem. I did not have this problem last week. I have converted all of my source QTs to .PNG sequences and .AIFs as a work-around.
System Details:
CS 6 CC | Mac OS 10.8.4 | MacPro5,1 | 96 GB Ram | PROJECT & MEDIA drive: Mercury Accelsior > 500 MB/s read/write | CACHE drive: Mercury Accelsior > 500 MB/s read/write | Nvidia Quadro 4000 Mac | CUDA Driver: latest update.
Troubleshooting Info:
• I've read this article: http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2011/02/troubleshooting-quicktime- errors-with-after-effects.html
• I don't have Blackmagic or Aja, but I do have Nvidia Quadro 4000 Mac with the latest Nvidia and Cuda drivers. I'll try uninstalling... but I may want to raytrace in the coming days.
• I've trashed the 12.0 folder and rebooted many times
• repaired permissions
• Multi-threding on/off doesn't matter
• "QT32Server process" appears then disappears Activity Monitor when I try to render ProRes (output module fails...)
• No firewall
• Uninstaled Nvidia driver. Restarted. Same problems.
and then
• Created a fresh admin user. This seems to work for now: I can read and write QTs through AE again. I'll update if there are any changes.
update again
• Once again, I can not import ProRes QTs into AE CC. Making a new user only worked for 2 launches. The only software I used with this system/new user was Adobe AE CC, PS CC, and Safari.
Any suggestions?