I recently opened one of my projects to find that any layer upon which CC Simple Wire Removal is used displays and renders as pure black. I went straight to the Adobe forums and found this thread full of users having the same experience: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4895694
So, many people with many different configurations are seeing this problem: black (or purple) frames on any layer that uses CC Simple Wire Removal.
My problem is I have a heck of a lot of work done on this project with CC Simple Wire Removal, and I need to finish it and get it rendered!
I've contacted CycoreFX, as some users suggest, but received no reply. I tried telephoning but the line appears to be defunct.
Others suggest reinstalling the Cycore plug-ins from the installation CS6 disk image, or from CS5.5. Since I installed Creative Cloud fresh on this machine via Internet I have no disk images, and no 5.5.
I would appreciate any advice on how to reinstall the Cycore plugins on a Mac running CS6 (, installed via Cloud. Thank you in advance.