Too hard to use Roto Brush in Tree Branches!
Hi all! I'm having trouble roto brushing tree branches, it's too difficult, is there any alternative way or color selection option in Roto brush? Thanks in advance!
View ArticleStupid button has gone missing
Can someone plaese tell me how I turned off the drop-down button to switch from ray tracing to classic 3d that used to live in the upper right corner of my comp window?
View ArticleHow do I get my Cuda card working with AE CS6?
A couple of months back I swapped back to Premiere Pro after a few years on FCP. I soon discovered that it was better to have the Mercury Playback Engine (MPE) working for maximum performance. With the...
View ArticleImporting JVC .mod file (mpg equivalent) doesn't play audio
In After Effects CS6: The import appears to happen correctly: video plays correctly and the little green audio graph (under the image thumbnail) even appears to look right. However when playing a...
View ArticleBatch Editing to Create Watermark on Multiple Clips
Hi, I have a bunch of clips that I am trying to apply a watermark to. I have my workflow currently set up in Premiere Pro but there is no way (that I know of) to apply a watermark to them all at once....
View ArticleGPU in after effects cs6 on mac mountain lion with Intel HD 4000
Is its possible to enable GPU in after effects cs6 on mac mountain lion with Intel HD 4000?
View ArticleBest quality format
hello guys, which format and codec ive to choose to have the best quality possibile in a reasonable space?after lossless output what can i choose?
View ArticleMy files are HUGE after I render them
I have a 30 minute video that's over 200 GIGABYTES. I'm fairly new to after effects, I just know the basics of how it works. If this is an easy fix please don't hate me for posting a dumb question ....
View ArticleAfter Effects CS6 BSOD
I have a problem with After Effects which causes my computer to BSOD. When I use certain effects, or combination of certain effects it causes my computer to BSOD. The CC Slant combined with CC Cross...
View ArticleAE6 Performance Issue
Hi! I have a performance issue I am needing some help on that has to do with using the Render Mulitple Frames Simultaneously option. I have done a couple test renders and I am not seeing a performance...
View ArticleMulti-machine rendering WITH render multiple frames simultaneously ON???
Hey guys, I've done a lot of forum searching, but there seems to be not a ton of answers on what i'm trying to do. I am developing a demo at work and am trying to use big 32 and 64 thread servers to do...
View ArticleWhen importing an AE comp into Premiere, why does motion blur opacity have...
Working with CS6 Dynamic Linking, I imported an after effects comp with vector-based images(text) into the premiere project, and layered it ontop of a video (for lower-thirds). The AE animation has...
View Articlechange the effects direction from left to right
helloi want ask about decoder fade in effect with texthow can Change the effect directionfrom left to right
View ArticleWorking with Photoshop CS6 3d Text in AE CS6
Hi GuysI used PS 3d text a couple of times in CS5 without a problem but I'm having difficulties in CS6. I may have missed out a step because 3d in PSCS6 is a lot different to CS5. I want to move the...
View ArticleAfter Effects CS6 render-only: Custom output modules?
With After Effects CS5.5, we've been able to include custom output module templates (so, aside from the default Lossless, TIFF Sequence with Alpha, etc.). We're having trouble doing the same with CS6....
View ArticleContinuous Rasterization of vectors inside nested comps
Hi everyone, thanks for your responses to previous queries. I have a problem with vectors: I've got a bunch of comps that contain vectors animating. Inside the comps, the vectors are set to...
View ArticleAfter Effects CS6 RAM preview not clearing
I just submitted a bug report on this, but thought I would also ask the forum as well. I just upgraded to After Effects CS6 on a MAC OS X 10.6.8 My probelm is that for certain effects, the RAM preview...
View ArticleError: Internal Verification Failure?
This is a new one. I get this error and my render immediately terminates. But no sick sheep sound. Any ideas what this means in English? CS6 11.0.2 / 10.6.8 / Nvidia Q4000
View ArticleInfo Panel Issues
Is there a known bug (with update/fix) in CS6 as to why sometimes my info panel displays color values and sometimes it doesn't?
View ArticleAnyway to unpatch After Effects from to 11.0
PLEASE HELPI have had to my limit with this new update, I updated After Effects CS6 literally 2 days ago and already it is constantly freezing and being slow, now when I add certain effects it freezes...
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